Sunday, March 28, 2010

Leave the Milk for the Cows

Looking to try a dairy alternative? I wanted to share my personal favorite with you:


Coconut milk is simply delicious. As a write this, I am enjoying a cup of organic coffee with organic coconut milk. I do not use sugar in my coffee, but the sweetness of the coconut milk adds a natural sweetness that is so YUM.

So why is coconut milk good for you?

Coconut milk is super rich in medium chained fatty acids. These are the type of fats that help your body produce energy, enhance your cell function and your overall metabolism. So, when you see the fat content on the jar of coconut milk, don't freak out!

These medium chained fatty acids (otherwise known as MCFA's) are not easily stored in the body, instead they actually help you to burn the stored fat we all try to get rid off before summer time :)

Coconut milk is good source of calcium, vitamin A, essential trace minerals, and folic acid (a B vitamin) which makes it a great choice for women of child bearing age** (see below)

Coconut milk also supports your immune system and is is cholesterol free. Preliminary research has also concluded that increased intake of folic acid may even reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Coconut milk is naturally gluten, soy and dairy free.

** Folic Acid is crucial to the healthy development of babies in early pregnancy because it helps to produce proteins needed for the synthesis of of DNA. Women in child bearing years should consume at least 0.4–0.5mg of folate daily

Here is a delicious and easy recipe for Coconut Carrot Soup for you to try:

Note: this soup is puréed in the blender at the end, so don't worry about chopping everything so much- it is a a huge time saver!

Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes

* 1 large onion, chopped
* 1 TBS + 3 cups vegetable broth
* 2 to 3 TBS fresh ginger, sliced
* 4 to 5 medium cloves garlic, chopped (I like using more garlic)
* 1 to 2 tsp curry powder
* 2 cups sliced carrots, quartered
* 1 cup sweet potato, cut into ½-inch cubes
* 5 oz canned organic coconut milk
* sea salt and pepper to taste


1. Chop and prep your onion, garlic, ginger, sweet potato and carrots as stated above
2. Heat 1 TBS broth in a medium soup pot
3. Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring often
4. Add garlic and ginger, continue to sauté for another minute
5. Add in your curry powder and mix it up
6. Add in the 3 CUPS broth, carrots, and sweet potato
7. Simmer on medium high heat until vegetables are tender (about 15 minutes)
8. Add in the coconut milk (yummmmm)
9. Using a blender, blend the soup in batches
(make sure blender is not more than half full to avoid burns from the hot liquid!)
10. Return each blended batch to the original pot and reheat until all soup is blended.

sea salt and pepper to taste



Unknown said...

This is a great blog. Where can you find organic coconut milk? At any supermarket? The soup looks healthy, delicious, and easy to make.
Thanks again for the great ideas.

Top Doctors Labs

Jennifer Leigh said...

Hi Daniela,

Yes you can find organic coconut milk at the supermarket.

My favorite BPA free-canned brands are Eden Organic and Native Forest.

Happy Coconut-ing!

Jennifer Ward CHHC, AADP
Founder, Medicinal Nutrition